Contact information

Visitor Centres

Questions regarding the World Heritage Site or your visit to the area? The visitor centers will help you.

The High Coast

Naturum Höga Kusten
Skuleberget 870 33 Docksta, Sweden
+46 (0)613 700 200

Visit Naturum Höga Kusten’s webpage here.

The Kvarken Archipelago

World Heritage Gateway
Raippaluodontie 2, Mustasaari, Finland
+358 (0)50 3466 200

Visit the World Heritage Gateway’s webpage here.

World Heritage Coordinators

Questions regarding the management of the World Heritage Site? Contact the World Heritage Coordinators.

The High Coast
Patrik Bylund
World Heritage Coordinator

The Kvarken Archipelago
Malin Henriksson
World Heritage Coordinator