Welcome to Norrfällsviken

The scenery in Norrfällsviken is barren and rocky. The brochure has a short summary in English.

Welcome to Balesudden

The sharply profiled Balesudden is a magnificent maritime beacon at the approach to Bäckfjärden. Brochure has a short summary in English.

Sommarö Nature Trail

Map of Sommarö Nature trail. In 1940-2000, the area was used as an army depot and as a fort for the coastal artillery. The Finnish Defence Forces left behind a network of roads and paths, foundations of demolished buildings, a…

Kvarken Archipelago World Heritage Site

The rocky Kvarken Archipelago, which is constantly on the rise, is Finland’s only natural heritage site on the UNESCO World Heritage List. You can experience this kingdom of rocks by wandering along the nature trails, canoeing, boating, fishing, watching birds,…

Kvarken Archipelago – Västra Norrskär

On the island there is a 21 meter high brick and stone lighthouse that was built in 1846. The island has a highly varied wildlife. In the summer new born water birds and gulls swim around in the small ponds.