The project Lystra loves the World Heritage

With the EU-funded transboundary Interreg Botnia-Atlantica project Lystra, Finland and Sweden with their project partners join efforts to develop the shared world heritage area in the time period of 1.1.2018—31.12.2020.

The project emphasises planning of guidance, updated expert information on the area’s geology, modern digital solutions and collection of world heritage publications and materials. After the project we will have, for example, an interpretation plan, geological animations, and this shared portal which will contain an interactive world heritage map and a data bank for world heritage materials and publications.

All the things described above will strengthen the image of the shared, unique world heritage site and bring the world heritage close to inhabitants, visitors and entrepreneurs of the area.

Lystra highlights the joint World Heritage

Watch the video, learn about Lystra and enjoy some breath-taking High Coast scenery! The 2019 video is produced by Centrum Balticum’s communication project “Cohesion through EUSBSR”, which promotes the EU-funded projects around the Baltic Sea.

Lystra's budget

Project’s total budget is 1,38 million euros. Besides the EU-funding, the other providers of funds in Finland are the Regional Council of Ostrobothnia, Association of the World Heritage Site of Kvarken Arhcipelago, and Visit Vaasa. In Sweden, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and the municipalities of Örnsköldvik and Kramfors fund the project.

Lystra wants to do good

In the project Lystra, we want that sustainable development, equal opportunities and non-discrimination as well as gender equality are a part of our daily work. We have created a plan for these so-called horistontal criteria. Click the plan below for more information:

Plan for the horisontal criteria

Get to know Lystra's project partners

Project Lystra’s lead beneficiary is Metsähallitus (Finland), and other beneficiaries are the rest of the project partners: County Administrative Board of Västernorrland (Sweden), Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU), Geological Survey of Finland (GTK), Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI) and City of Vaasa in Finland.

Watch the videos and meet Metsähallitus, GTK and City of Vaasa!