Bedrock geology of the Kvarken area
The bedrock mapping of the Kvarken area in 2003–2005 was part of the Finnish-Swedish Geonat partnership project. The purpose of the project was to provide information about the geology and nature values of Kvarken to ensure sustainable development of the region. The results of the project were decisive when the UNESCO World Heritage Committee placed Kvarken archipelago and the High Coast of Sweden on the World Heritage List.
- Author: Pekka Sipilä, Leif Björk, Leif Kero, Hannu Kujala, Antero Lindberg, Petri Virransalo
- Part of Work: GEOLOGIAN TUTKIMUSKESKUS 15.10.2017 GTK 61/2017 Mineraalivarannot, MIV
- Publisher: Geologian Tutkimuskeskus - Geological Survey of Finland
- Publication location: Kokkola
- Publication year: 2017
- You can find the document here.